My journey to shoot for the moon.

Archive for June, 2013

Personal Meltdown – I am Fat

On Thursday I saw the podiatrist.  My foot isn’t healed enough to come out of the boot.  I’m not in pain, but if I pivot on my foot, it still hurts A LOT.  So, the boot for another 2 weeks.  This was not what I wanted to hear. (more…)

Happy 45th Anniversary Mom and Dad

Today my parents, Richard and Emily Horowitz, will celebrate their 45th Anniversary.  They had yellow roses at their wedding.   I gave them yellow roses for their 25th wedding anniversary at my wedding which was only a few days after their anniversary.

Mom and Dad – Happy Anniversary.  I love you.

Gardening and My Fairy Garden

IMG_0087 Herbs and veggies
IMG_0093 Annuals and basil

One of the things I’ve been doing this summer is building my fairy garden.  We don’t have much room on our patio, but this year I have started a little garden.  (more…)

A Trip to the Denver Botanical Gardens and a Newer Friendship


Denver Botanical Gardens

Yesterday a friend picked me up and we drove to the Denver Botanical Gardens.  I had never been there and it had been years since she had gone.  It was probably the most relaxing day I have had in sometime!  I don’t think I would have ever gone if my friend (LB) didn’t invite me.  This friend (actually a parent of one of David’s friends) and I have been slowly building a relationship.  It’s complicated.  She works for a contractor for the government and her work is classified, so she can’t talk about it.  This eliminates one area that many people talk about.  I don’t mind.  It is just weird sometimes.  I’ve heard a story about a co-worker with a knee scooter and I know she sits at a desk.  I know that her job is one that someone does 24/7, but there are some slow times and she can sit and talk with her c0-workers.  That’s about it.  And like I said, I don’t mind that she can’t talk about it.

While walking at the Botanical Gardens, there were times when we would not have anything to say to each other.  However, the quiet was VERY comfortable.  I didn’t feel the need to try to fill it in and neither did she.  I haven’t had that in a while and it was very nice.



Honestly, I have no idea what most of the flowers/plants we looked at were.  I took pictures of the ones that were pretty or unusual.  Here they are –
















Menu Board

I have struggled with menu planning for quite some time. I know how to plan menus, I know how to cook, and I know how to shop but putting it all together and having everyone eat is a challenge. I’ve been indulging my Pinterest Passion and found an amazing idea. (more…)

Been Busy

Nothing is wrong – I’ve just been really, really busy. I haven’t gotten much writing done. I’ve been working on some crafting stuff and container gardening, cleaning and organizing. Posts to come in a couple of days.

A Letter to my Neighbors

Dear Upstairs Neighbors –

I realize that we have beenSugar thrown together by fate. But we must learn to live together.  At least, until one of us moves out.  It may not be the best of circumstances, but I am positive that we can find some way to tolerate each other.Kirby 1

I do not believe that my family and I are stellar neighbors.  I know that we have our faults.  I’m confident that you wish that my dogs didn’t bark so much. I wish that too. And honestly, we’ve tried a number of things to make them stop barking, but they are dogs. Perhaps you should look at it from this standpoint – if someone breaks into your apartment, we will probably know that something is wrong because the dogs won’t stop barking (at seemingly nothing) and call the police. So, you are safer because my dogs bark.

And I’m sure that you wish that the bass connected to the TV didn’t vibrate your floor. I would imagine that you wish my kids didn’t slam the door so much, I’m also sure that there are a hundred other things that you wish we did or did not do as your neighbors.


I have wishes too; dreams of a quiet afternoon without basketballs bouncing above my head. I have visions of what it would be like without the weekly elephant bowling tournament that goes on in your living room.056

Collin Jackson from Washington, DC, USA

Collin Jackson from Washington, DC, USA

None of these “faults” are newsworthy.  They are just part of living in an apartment.  In fact, if those were your only “faults,”  I venture to say, we would get along just fine.

IMG_2372However, I must ask you a question.IMG_1918 - CopyIn what world is it okay to drop your cigarette ashes down on me?  I don’t smoke.  Never have.  And f you read my bumper sticker, you should have been able to guess how I feel about smoking and cigarettes.  LungCancerMy husband has Stage IV Lung Cancer.  Now, his Lung Cancer wasn’t caused by smoking, but most people assume he was a smoker.  And even if my husband didn’t have Lung Cancer, I wouldn’t want to be showered with ashes as I tend my container garden, on my patio.  I wouldn’t want to clean up the cigarette butts that you let fall.  I don’t appreciate having to breathe your smoky air, but you are within your right to smoke outside your apartment.  There is nothing I can do about that.  But, really?  Sending ashes down on me?  That is the epitome of rudeness.  It is so far beyond rude that it should be criminal.

I don’t know how you could have been oblivious to me being on my patio under you.  I was talking to Sugar and I’m sure that you heard me.  You must have heard the squeak of my screen door opening.  I should have let out a loud, “HEY!” when I got rained upon, but I was shocked.  You could say, I was shocked into speechlessness.  I cannot believe that someone would have such blatant disregard for another person.  But I suppose. since you are a smoker, there are a number of things that you disregard.

There are several very simple solutions to this problem and I hope that you will consider them.  You could quit smoking altogether.  You’ll be healthier and save money.  If that isn’t an option, you could use an ashtray.  If you don’t have an ashtray, you could use a soda can or any number of items that I’m sure you have lying around.  If you can’t find something appropriate, please let me know.  I will give you something that will work.  The beautiful thing about an ashtray, is that it catches ashes.  I’ll bet that you didn’t know that.  Such a simple little thing that would prevent your ashes from raining down on me.  Oh, and an ashtray can hold your cigarette butts until you can properly dispose of them.  Then you wouldn’t have to send them down onto my patio.

Photo by J. Brendan Adamson

Photo by J. Brendan Adamson

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Your Downstairs Neighbor

Homemade Cleaning Products – Citrus Cleaner

One of the first things that I tried to make was a kitchen cleaner.  It seemed simple enough, I thought.  So why not give it a try. (more…)

Economical Sugar Scrub for Hands

My experimentation at making beauty products out of “normal” kitchen ingredients, I found a recipe for a Sugar Scrub for your hands.  It is quite simple and fairly inexpensive. (more…)

Holocaust Documents

Several days ago I wrote about Holocaust Survivor Osi Slavek. Amazingly enough, I got an email from my mom the same morning that I published that blog (you can read it here) about a 60 Minutes episode.  My mom had gotten the email from a friend of hers and it was  meant to be a “chain letter” email.  I was curious, so I went to the link for the 60 Minutes site. (more…)